Vanessa Boudreau
Associate Professor: Bariatric and General Surgery
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON
St. Joseph's Healthcare, Hamilton, ON
Dr. Boudreau is a staff surgeon in Minimally Invasive and Bariatric Surgery at St. Joseph's Healthcare and an Assistant Professor at McMaster University.
She achieved her MD in 2011 at the University of Montreal, Quebec and completed her General Surgery Residency at the University of Sherbrooke, Quebec in 2016. She completed a Fellowship in Bariatric and Minimally Invasive Surgery at St. Joseph’s Hospital here in Hamilton. Beginning in July 1, 2017, Dr. Boudreau was a Clinical Scholar in the Department of Surgery while she completed her Masters in Health Research and Methodology at McMaster University.
Dr. Boudreau is the provincial co-chair for Project ECHO OBN (Ontario Bariatric Network) and the ECHO lead for the Hamilton Bariatric Centre of Excellence site.
Her research interests focus mainly on metabolic surgery and include diabetes remission, weight regain, revisional surgery and implantation of new surgical techniques (duodenal switch).