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Fellowship Council LogoThe MIS Fellowship at the Centre for Minimal Access Surgery (CMAS) has been accredited through the Fellowship Council since 2003. Three candidates are selected on a yearly basis through the Fellowship Council Match process and begin the one year program on August 1st.


The MIS Fellowship at CMAS provides each candidate a comprehensive experience in a diversity of advanced MIS procedures including esophageal, gastric, colorectal, solid organ (adrenal, spleen) bariatric and abdominal wall hernias. The candidate will work closely with minimally invasive surgeons in the OR, endoscopy and outpatient clinics and will have the benefit of experience in one of Ontario’s leading MIS/Bariatric Training Centres. The volume of procedures is significant and provides extensive training. The fellowship also offers training in an established skills lab complete with inanimate and animate models and computerized simulators (LapSim, MIMIC dV-Trainer & Simbionix) for skill refinement.  CMAS holds a national reputation for high quality courses in advanced MIS, and the candidate will benefit from participation in these along with multiple boot camps through the year. There is opportunity for supported clinical research, attendance at international meetings, monthly journal clubs and video case reviews.

There are12 MIS/Bariatric general surgeons associated with the Centre.  The fellows rotate every 3 months, getting exposure to a wide variety of advanced MIS and Bariatric procedures.  Satellite sites are available for those that wish to pursue further specialization.  Please click on the link below for additional program details, expectations and to access the application.

Access the application


  • Application Process Opens: December 2, 2024
  • Applications Closes and Letters of Recommendation Deadline:  January 21, 2025
  • Deadline to Inform Applicants of Interviews: February 2025
  • Match Date: June 24, 2025
  • Fellowship Begins: August 1, 2026


Urology Fellow in Laparoscopic and Endourology

CMAS also offers a Clinical Fellowship in Laparoscopic/Endourologic/Robotic Urology. Fellows will have training in the diagnosis and work up of advanced urological cases in reconstruction and in oncology including UPJO, renal cancers, adrenal disease, prostate cancer and donor nephrectomies. They will independently perform advanced urological laparoscopic surgery including partial nephrectomy, pyeloplasty, radiofrequency and cryoablation, adrenalectomies, thrombectomy, and radical prostatectomy. They will manage complications associated with laparoscopic/robotic surgery as well as the long-term follow-up of patients. Advanced endourological procedures including percutaneous access, management of staghorn stones, caliceal diverticulum and upper tract urothelial cancers.

Each year 1 candidate is chosen. If you are interested in more information on this Fellowship, please contact Dr. Edward Matsumoto at