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CMAS is a McMaster University Centre located in St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton. The Centre provides state of the art facilities, education and training in minimally invasive procedures for surgeons and nurses.

CMAS promotes and supports world-class research into the outcomes and development of new minimal access procedures in both applied and clinical research, promoting innovative surgical techniques and offering support and mentorship to participants.

Applied Research conducted at CMAS includes telemedicine initiatives and the testing of novel surgical robotic devices including IGAR; an Image-Guided Automated Robotic system currently being developed by the Centre for Surgical Invention and Innovation (CSii) for use in the early detection and treatment of diseases in the breast, prostate, lungs, liver and kidneys.

Clinical Research currently conducted at CMAS analyses the outcomes of surgical and medical treatment and evaluates innovative surgical techniques, procedures and protocols. These studies are conducted in collaboration with St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton and Hamilton Health Sciences.

The multidisciplinary Centre provides skills training, produces educational seminars, special events and conferences. The Centre supports corporate and industry partnerships with information sessions, that includes participation in product launches, demonstrations and tutorials.

For additional information on current studies conducted at McMaster University, please visit: The Okanagan Charter at McMaster University.